
A far-away country beckons to me 
with its rosy cities and sun-baked roofs, 
where the walls blush
at kissing couples and angels stand guard
with wings encased in ancient marble, 
castles with hearts of stone die a stubborn death,
and churches weep tears of euphoric disbelief,
and the sky is an insomniac, high
from cigarette fumes and bidden 
to tell the same silver stories every night
to the oblivious revellers basking
in the flaxen warmth of lingering sunlight.
This far-away land pulls at me
though we’re separated by an entire sea
With each passing day,
 it feels a mere distant dream
so I made a promise to a rose
and dyed it into my hair
Before the last petal falls 
I will return to these rosy cities 
that inexplicably turn all the colours in my mind
into golden sunshine


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