Strawberry Shortcake

There are so many things that the human eye can't see: for example, the human eye can't see the Wifi we depend on as much as our own hands. We can't see it's physical manifestation, yet Wifi is a very real part of this world, and we acknowledge it as such.
Then applying the same idea, why is it that we can't acknowledge some of the things we feel? The things we believe in? I'm specifically referring to the kind of feeling or conviction that stems from somewhere deep in your heart, that radiates out from behind your rib cage to the rest of your body.

For me, this feeling has always been overwhelming in its intensity and it has always been in response to meeting a person. I wouldn't call it attraction; I know what attraction feels like, but this goes deeper. It feels fuller, but this feeling isn't quite love. Perhaps it has the potential to become love, but I haven't been fortunate enough to know what that feels like yet. The best way to explain this feeling is it's as if my soul is attracted to this other soul it has encountered.

Yes, I know the subject of love and romance has become almost a taboo conversation topic; romance novels, love poems, and even talking about love is often looked upon as cheesy. Corny. Unrealistic and naive. I don't know how all of this came about, but I firmly believe that particular attitude is B U L L S H I T. Love is the best thing we do, as humans. We can achieve great, admirable, and respectable things without love, but with love, those accomplishments take on greater meaning and value. So I'm going to talk about it.

What I'm wondering is this:

What does my heart see, that my eyes don't?

It has happened before that I will keep thinking about a person I've only met for a few hours. I don't know this person, I will never know this person, so there's really no reason for me to be so mentally and emotionally occupied with this person. Sometimes I wonder if it's because I fall in love, not with the person, but the potential story that could happen with him. Maybe I read too many novels growing up. However, my intuition is much stronger than my critically thinking side, so other times I wonder if my heart has picked up on something my brain and eyes have overlooked. But how I can so quickly "see" this is beyond me. And that scares me, because it keeps happening and I don't know how to turn this part of me off.

But I do like to believe that there are things out there that I can't see physically, but can feel intuitively. I like to think that the world is a vaster place than we think and there are things will never be explained. It makes existing so much more exciting, believing in these possibilities. One day I would like an explanation for these things that I feel, but I have a feeling it's only until my body is dust and my mind has gone to a place where these unseen things are visible that I will get the answers.


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