
“Opposites come together, look at one another, are reflected in one another, know and understand one another.
Love lives on the very border of hate, knows and understands it, and hate lives on the border of love and also understands it.”
- Bakhtin, Characteristics of Genre and Plot Composition in Dostoevsky’s Works
Bakhtin implies there is cordiality between opposites
I don’t think he knows the agony in magnetism
I found the beginning of the universe in the radio 
the same day I met my opposite:
in the second of bleary static between stations
like the universe had a moment of hesitation 
in choosing whether it wanted to stay
I found the beginning of a new universe
when I met my opposite
and the jagged border running along my heart suddenly ran even
A second of hesitation— but I chose to stay 
by the border. My opposite looked at me and seemed to understand
but perhaps he was afraid of the proximity because
He ripped himself away
and I found the end to our universe
A smaller one began in my body 
where my restless mind and aching heart meet
They are mesmerized, terrified 
by each other’s pull
My heart needs to move on
and my mind needs to stop moving 
so frantically, searching for the reason
why didn’t he choose me too?


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